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What is Reiki..

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique rediscovered by Japanese born Buddhist monk, Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1920s. Reiki practitioners use hands-on healing to transfer universal energy through their palms to the client, in person or at a distance, to encourage emotional or physical healing. According to reiki theory, byoki or blockages, caused by trauma, stress or past life occurrences become stored in the auric field of the client. Over time the byoki becomes dis-ease in the physical, mental and spiritual body. Energy work can aid in the release of these blockages allowing the recipient to receive clarity, peace and relief. When take steps to heal ourselves, we are raising our vibration to divine alignment with our highest good.

Performance Art


Basic distance reiki is a 30 minute reiki session for those new to reiki or clients short on time. This session will offer a little clarity and guidance for the client seeking energetic healing and support from the comfort of their own home.

Each client receives a photo of my notes of intuitive messages to conclude the session and an opportunity to chat with me by phone or text immediately after the session for up to 10 minutes.


Colored Space



In depth distance reiki is 50 minutes of sent reiki energy offering more time to relax into the energetic experience from the comfort of their own home. This longer session allows me to spend more time focusing on each chakra and blocked areas within the aura. Additionally more time spent sending reiki allows me to receive in depth intuitive messages. Great for the person seeking a deeper healing experience. A photo of my intuitive notes concludes the session and each client has the opportunity to chat with me by phone or text immediately after the session for up to 10 minutes.​


Tube Lights


Want a little more guidance for a specific question? Tarot card readings can provide targeted answers and clarity for the querent. Tarot card readings give provide a mirror to your own souls wisdom. They allow you a peak into the spiritual lessons needed to manifest your goals and follow your dreams. Like a very honest friend, the tarot is less about telling your future and more about HOW to get there and what steps you have the choice to take. The basic spread is a 7 card reading and up to 20 minutes chat time or 1 follow up email to ask questions post reading. All readings are done remotely by email or text. You will receive a photo of your tarot card spread and a written summary of your reading to refer back to later.​


Planet and Moon


The in-depth tarot card reading provides the client with an even deeper dive into the heart of their question, everything included in the basic reading plus more!Using my version of the traditional 10 card Celtic Cross spread I am able to see a complete picture of how how the cards relate to each other, giving a fuller, well rounded message. The in-depth spread is a 10 card reading and up to 20 minutes chat time or 1 follow up email to ask questions post reading. All readings are done remotely by email or text. You will receive a photo of your tarot card spread and a written summary of your reading to refer back to later.​


*Reiki and tarot guidance should never replace the care or advice from a medical professional or therapist. I am not a medical professional and will not be held liable for any choices or changes you make in your life. Although reiki can not harm you, by receiving reiki or a tarot card reading you willfully do so at your own risk. 

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