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Updated: Feb 14, 2019

When I found out I was pregnant, it was overwhelming to think about all of the "stuff" I would need for baby. I scoured lists I found online, watched youtube videos, searched all over Pinterest to really get to the bottom of what items were truly a necessity was what items were a pass. I never had a baby shower, instead I had a mother blessing and a curated publicly shared an amazon baby registry for anyone to contribute to. In reality all baby needs is you! So here is my honest less is more answer to the things that helped me survive the newborn phase and beyond.

1. Silicone breast pump: The first few weeks you maybe be drenched in milk if you plan on breastfeeding. As you nurse baby, your other breast will leak milk simultaneously. A silicone pump works just with manual suction will catch the milk as you nurse. You can also use it to manually express milk if you are engorged to help relieve the pressure. Don't forget milk storage bags to save your expressed milk.

2. Muslin burp cloths: Soft and durable. Anything and everything muslin!! These are the ones I have and I hand dyed them with indigo just after Coyote was born.

3. Swaddles: I preferred the light muslin blanket, three should be enough but you will be washing them frequently. We have three light weight ones and 2 heavier weight ones.

4. Nipple butter: Your nipples will be so sore, beyond any soreness you can think of as both you and baby are figuring out nursing. Breastfeeding hurts at first but as the nipple toughens up if baby is latched properly. It will normalize in a few weeks. Seek professional support from a Lactation Consultant if its extremely painful.

5. Nose Freda: Breastmilk will come out your baby nose. It will be a little alarming and sometimes doesn't seem to phase baby. Nose Freda uses gentle suction that you control to help remove milk. As baby grows they won't be able to blow their nose until 3-4 years old. This will be a life saver for when baby is sick and needs help clearing their nasal passage.

6. Oogiebear: For safe removal of boogars and ear wax. Enough said. If your the weird person that enjoys popping zits and grooming your loved ones, you will love this.

7. Washable breast pads: Inserts for your bra because your leaky boobs will be triggered by baby cry, even thinking about certain things will cause your boobs to fill up with milk.

8. Diaper/wipes delivery: You will be changing a lot of diapers at first. A LOT. If your disposables are leaking or your getting blow outs, size up on the diaper. Coyote was already wearing a size 2 diaper by 1.5 months old. Life saver for making sure you never run out. In the future we may switch to cloth diapers and wipes..

9. Carters onesies: Buy a pack of 0-3 months onesies (usually sold in a three pack with one free one) in either long or short sleeve plus the pack kimono shirts for the healing umbilicus. These onesies stretch and are super comfy. Plus the white ones can be hand dyed!

10. Motherwort tincture: For mothering the mother and all the feelings.

11. Placenta Pills: To help ease the transition of motherhood and help manage the hormonal drop.

12. Diaper trolly: Repurposed Ikea bar cart. Super easy to move from room to room. We didn't leave our bed for about 4 weeks. I stocked it with everything I needed close at hand. Tons of ideas on Pinterest for this Ikea hack!

13. Sling/wrap: I have both and baby seems to prefer the sling. Start baby wearing from the very beginning. Attachment parenting has many benefits, but as you become more mobile, baby will want to be near you all the time. Babywearing is so helpful for allowing yourself to be hands free around the house and addition to soothing a colicky baby. Slings are magical sleepy dust!

14. Yoni Salve/sitz bath: Having both on hand is best to help heal sore tissues from vaginal birth. You will be sore but it goes away. The vagina is a miraculous self healer! An all healing salve would be the substitute for incision healing. Stay away from comfrey on your incision at least initially.

15. Privacy: For at least the first few days, say no to visitors. You will be emotionally raw and exhausted. Don't be afraid to ask for limited visits from family at first, there will be plenty of time to cuddle and bond with baby later. Mother baby and parental bonding is priority number one.

16. Prepared meals/meal train: Nourishing your body will help speed recovery and help you make breastmilk. Having meals prepared and frozen a head of time or scheduled meal drop off will be a goddess send, especially of you are the cook in the house.

17. Stroller: I went back and forth with this one for a while as a necessity because I planned on baby wearing. But when baby is asleep or you need a break from holding baby, a stroller with a car seat attachment is very helpful. Plus its a great way for your partner to get involved when your ready to leave the house.

18. Snuggle Me Organic: Portable baby mattress designed to comfort baby. Perfect for when baby is going through a leap and wants to be held 24/7 also helps mom feel secure that baby won't roll off the bed plus way cheaper than the Dock a Tot for co sleeping.

19.Mothers Best Liver Pills: VITAL!! I should have prepped for birth by taking these in my third trimester, but alas hemorrhaging after giving birth has left me scrambling to rebuild my iron levels postpartum which isn't an over night process. These pills are truly a life saver and helped me to feel normal again.

20. Boppy/Nursing pillow: Baby are heavy and they get heavier pretty quickly. Save your back and arms as you navigate breastfeeding. Be sure you get a nursing pillow thats firmer and fluffy to bring baby close enough to your breast.

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